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Release : 2014

Genre : Crime, Mystery, Thriller

Quality :

Size :

Country : Argentina, Spain

Language : Spanish

Rating IMDB : 6.3

Vote : 806

Rating MetaScore : N/A

Age : Not Rated

Time : 100 min

Director : Miguel Cohan

Writer : Ana Cohan, Miguel Cohan, Claudia Piñeiro (novel)

Stars : Mercedes Morán, Daniel Fanego, Alberto Ammann, Jose Coronado

Summary A day like any other day, in a peaceful and well guarded private neighborhood, Pedro Chazarreta is found dead. News are quickly spread: Chazarreta is not only a powerful businessman, but ...

Betibu (2014)

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Download DVDRip 480P DVDRip 480p - Spanish 500MB
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